I stayed home from church Sunday to keep with it, plus the boys were too mucusy to send to the nursery anyway... And lo and behold, it seemed to click. We have not had an accident since then (as of now; Tue. night). The only thing is he hasn't told me yet when he needs to go, I just take him every hour or hour and a half and he makes himself go. (the couple of times he has told me he needs to go have been stalling tactics, get out of bed tactics, or visit a new public bathroom tactic, but basically false alarms). Although he did wake up crying at 12:45 AM last night, screaming, "I have to go potty!" And he did, quite a lot. Hmm... I am still putting him in Pull-ups for trips out in public, I'm just not ready for the hassle. About half the time he's stayed dry and clean in those though... And we use those for naps and at night.... Its a learning curve I guess. We'll see how the next few weeks go. I just refuse to have 4 kids in diapers! and I'm already thinking of the money we've saved just over the last 4 days! :)
We're so proud of our big boy! (and those little underwear look SO cute! We haven't graduated to the boxer briefs yet, but even so, very darling...)