Sunday, August 27, 2006

strange but true

Caleb had a strange middle of the night request on Friday night. I woke up to him calling, "Mommy, Mommy" around 4 AM. When I went into his room, he very lucidly asked for a "bible story". So I stumbled through one, and then left him to go back to sleep. I just thought it was so funny that he had in mind exactly what he wanted, and that's what it was.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Water Ski Trip

Last week we got to enjoy some time out on Lake Havasu for the HS Water Ski Trip. Caleb loved the lake, and the boat, and the "waves" that made the boat go "bump". He even got to ride on the banana boat with daddy! It was very hot there of course, but even Aidan did well. He loved being in the water! We are so fortunate that our kids get experiences like this, and that they have so many high school students who adore them. Caleb was in his element; getting tons of attention.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Summer Camp

Last week, we got to spend the week up at Hume Lake with students. It was a bit exhausting with the boys, but also very fun. Caleb got to swim in the pool (and even jump off the diving board), hike around the lake, and go in a rowboat. I loved that he got to "be a boy" and be outdoors so much. He played with dirt, rocks, and sticks, and got quite a few scrapes and bruises, including his biggest gooseegg yet, on his forehead when he fell on the pavement the first day there.