Saturday, April 8, 2006

Sleeping In...

Wanted to record a detailed night's sleep with Caleb and Aidan...
I slept in until 10:00, kind of... We went to bed at 12:30; Caleb woke up crying at 1:30, I got up to comfort him... Aidan woke up hungry at 3:00, I got up and fed him. Aidan woke up at 6:00, and Weston got up to feed him... Next Caleb woke up at 7:15 am, we let him in our bed to "snuggle", hoping he'd go back to sleep (which he didn't), Aidan woke up hungry again at 7:30, so I fed him and then pumped. Caleb watched Baby Einstein in our bed while Daddy still kinda slept. I climbed back in around 8:15 and enjoy a few more minutes of coziness, then I took Caleb downstairs for breakfast. After I turned another movie on for him (awful, i know, but I was so sleepy), I went back upstairs and fell back asleep from 9-10. Just a typical night/morning with 2 young kids (actually, its usually not this bad)...

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