Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pod #2

Pod #2 was delivered yesterday, and unloaded today, with the help of many Bethel friends. It was a bit discouraging, as the downstairs was almost looking in order this morning, and now there are boxes around again. And where to put everything? We are so thankful for the big basement. Weston did a great job organizing that with our many boxes that we don't need access to. Caleb and Aidan were very happy to see their outdoor toys get unloaded. I was very happy to find my muffin tins (I wanted to make muffins with Caleb for a neighbor, but couldn't because I hadn't unpacked those yet). The only thing that won't fit anywhere is our soft tub spa; but one of the elders at Bethel has offered some storage.

We found another fun park where we had a picnic for dinner. It was so cute when we arrived and Aidan said, from the backseat clear as a bell, "we're here, yay!" (and then proceeded to clap) His vocabulary and enunciation are growing by leaps and bounds. The twins were adorable swinging back to back in the baby swing. They loved it too.

We got our double decker crib set up and they slept in it for the first time last night. I was a little sad to seperate them, but they need more room now.

I did make it to Mom2Mom yesterday, and it was great. (I'm starting to think, and have been advised, that the boys' allergies are just a reaction to the air here at 'harvest time' and its not a cold after all.) I'm so excited at the many things this church has to offer.

Weston's dad rolled through town yesterday, on his way back to PA from WA. We went out to a good Mexican restaraunt for lunch (yes they have those here!). It was good to see him, but will be even better when he can come back for a longer visit.

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