In the last couple weeks, Aidan has developed and affinity for the Toy Story movie. Its one of the few he LOVES to just sit on the couch and watch (and its a long one, yes!). He loves Buzz Lightyear and Woody, so we found these Jammies at the Disney Outlet. So cute!
This is also a scene I want to remember, as its part of our daily routine at this stage. When Aidan wakes up, usually around 7:00 or earlier, we quickly take him downstairs (so as to not wake Caleb), change his diaper, give him milk, and set him up in the pack-n-play to watch a video so we can get ready upstairs, take care of the other kiddos, or just sleep later! He does GREAT down there alone; like his own little 'me' time. We hear him chatting and playing, and interacting with Baby Einstein. He's usually good for at least an hour, sometimes more!
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