Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Racing through milestones...

Guess who is pulling up to standing?

He did it once for me on the bathtub last Thursday night. Then while I was away at the woman's retreat, daddy reported several more successes in that arena. Two nights ago he figured out he could do it in his crib. And yesterday morning I was outside with the older brothers waiting for the bus, when I turned around and saw this. He is getting proficient quickly, and has even starting cruising along furniture.

What a charming smile he has! He just turned 9 months old. Just ignore the horribly dirty glass door, because I do have 5 little boys, ya know. :)


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness amy, he is CUTE. and way to go quinn! benj has been trying, but hasn't pulled himself up yet!

RondaJo said...

Yay!! He is so cute!!

Jody said...

So precious! And I love the dirty glass!