There is nothing quite like watching your child be baptized, especially when it's his daddy that has the privlege of baptizing him.
Not sure what y'all feel about when a child is sincerely old enough to make a real decision to accept what Jesus has done for him...
Weston and I have always prayed that God would lead each of our boys to a saving faith at an early age.
For more on that read this.
Caleb has always seemed to have an especially sensitive heart for the gospel. Though he's still very much a 6 year old, there are moments when the theological concepts he sometimes grapples with could put many adults to shame. He has always been full of great questions, and his childlike understanding of some deeper things always inspire us.
We cannot even offer up an exact date, or time, of his 'transformation'. Sure he raised his hand in Sunday School, and probably at VBS a few times, but with him it seemed more of a process. Around the age of 5, we became fully convinced that he 'got it' and truly had accepted what Jesus did on the cross for him as his only means to salvation. We rejoiced that God allowed us to be part of this process.
Since then Caleb had been begging to get baptized. At Bethel, kids are asked to go through a membership/baptism class first, to make sure they are ready. So we waited a bit, and had him attend when we thought he was old enough. Then we made sure to ask his teachers for feedback to make sure they thought he fully understood everything. That the heart problem, the spiritual problem, that he has, that we all have, is made right not by "trying harder" or "being better" but by fully embracing that Christ sacrificed Himself, doing for us what we couldn't do for ourselves. And that baptism in no way played a part in this, but was merely a public declaration of what had happened in his heart. And they were confident that he did. So we shared with him that we would be getting baptized in December.
Caleb was SO excited. It was on his mind almost constantly since we told him about it. He was beaming all weekend leading up to it, and boy did his sweet little face reflect the joy of the Lord when he entered the baptismal, as much as the coming up out of the water reflects Christ's resurrection for us.
What a moment.
The next day (Monday) I was walking down the hallway of his school, and a 2nd grade teacher with whom I am briefly acquainted stopped me and congratulated me on Caleb's baptism. I guess he had been joyfully sharing about it all morning at school. :
If you want to read a great post on child baptism, try this.
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