Born, as scheduled, Thursday, December 17th, at 8:44AM. He weighed in at 8lbs. 4oz. (our biggest!) and measured 20 inches.
He is as sweet as sweet can be, and we are delighting in having a newborn around. I just want to sit and stare at him all day. And his brothers are giving him plenty of attention.
This c-section was the hardest recovery yet... they had a lot of trouble with the spinal, and then I experienced quite the spinal headache for a couple days afterwards. Not fun. They did a blood patch that thankfully worked well, but I am still not quite back to normal yet. Came home from the hospital on Sunday, and thankfully, Grandma Joy is here to ease my transition back into being a full-time mommy.
congratulations amy!!! i had been checking your blog and facebook everyday looking for quinn's arrival!:) we are so happy for you guys and glad that you and baby are healthy! have a wonderful christmas. cannot believe you guys are a family of 7!! so fun! :)
Praying for your continued recovery. I so understand the spinal headache and blood patch. That's what happened to me with Kristin. No fun at all! So sorry that you had to experience that. Quin is absolutely adorable!!!
#5! What a wonderful blessing. We miss you and your delightful (and growing) family!
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