
Six Months

One Year

Two Years


He climbed in bed with us this AM, and when I said, "Happy Birthday", he said, "I am 3? I suck my thumb no more." We had been telling that for the past few months, that 3 year olds try not to suck their thumbs, but we couldn't believe how well he remembered. A little bit of me thought, "really, is this it? can it be this easy?" Nah, before church even he had a little meltdown when he reached for his blankie, stuck his thumb in his mouth, looked confused, and said, "but I still want to suck my thumb." So well see. We've decided not to push it, just to gently discourage it, but who knows.
Weston and I took him out to lunch today while a sitter stayed with the other kids. We had such a neat time with just him and are so thankful for this birthday tradition. He even charmed a nearby table of older ladies and they gave him all their pocket change for a 'birthday treat'.
Tonight, after presents and train cookies, he said sadly, "but I want my birthday to start all over again tomorrow." Sharp kid, eh?
He's now upstairs falling asleep in new Thomas sheets, with a Thomas blanket and pillowcase, listening to a new Thomas read aloud on a cd. Yikes, what kind of infatuation did we help foster?
Anyway, happy birthday Aidan. We love you so much, and are so thankful God chose to bless our family with YOU!