Caleb, we had your first real parent-teacher conference last week. Mommy was SO excited, even if it meant sitting in those little bitty chairs... Daddy and I got to hear your teacher go on and on about how well you are doing in school.
We are so proud of you Caleb. Proud of the way your mind works to figure things out. Proud of your creative imagination. Proud of how determined you are and how hard you work. Proud that you are so enthusiastic about learning. Proud that you are responsible. Proud that you are respectful and kind to others. We could go on and on, because you are an amazing kid.
Most of all though, we are so extremely proud of your heart. A heart that loves the Lord. A heart that desires to know more and more about Him. A heart that trusts Him. A heart that is excited to tell others about Him. A heart that is often insightful beyond its years. We pray that this heart of yours will only love Christ more and more deeply each day of your life, for we know He has such incredible plans for you.
We are so thankful that God chose YOU to be part of our family.